the death star

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The Death Star is a type of fictional mobile space station and galactic superweapon featured in the Star Wars space-opera franchise. The first Death Star, introduced in the original Star Wars film, is stated to be more than 100 km in diameter, and is crewed by an estimated 1.7 million military personnel and 400,000 droids. The second Death Star, which appears in Return of the Jedi, is significantly larger at between 160 km to 900 km in diameter, and technologically more powerful than its predecessor. Both versions of these moon-sized fortresses are designed for massive power-projection capabilities, each capable of destroying an entire planet with a blast from its superlasers.

dette er de onde

Scheming, powerful, and evil to the core, Darth Sidious restored the Sith and destroyed the Jedi Order. Living a double life, Sidious was in fact Palpatine, a Naboo Senator and phantom menace. He slowly manipulated the political system of the Galactic Republic until he was named Supreme Chancellor -- and eventually Emperor -- ruling the galaxy through fear and tyranny.

Anakin Skywalker blev født ind i slaveri på ørkenplaneten Tatooine i den ydre ring mange år før det Galaktiske Imperium overtog galaksen. I sin barndom havde Anakin og hans mor, Shmi Skywalker, mange forskellige ejere; men de blev aldrig skilt. Han hjalp ofte andre folk i nød uden at tænke på konsekvenserne ved det. Anakins duelighed som podracerløber blev opdaget en dag hvor han skulle testkøre sin ejers kapsel. Watto, overrasket over drengens evner, valgte at sponsorere ham i flere løb, blandt andet det berygtede løb, Boonta Eve Classic.

En stormtrooper er et erhverv i Star Wars-universet. Stormtrooperne er iklædt karakteristiske hvide dragter. De fungerer som soldater for Det Galaktiske Imperium – og i nogle tilfælde også som en form for politi.

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